Kick-Off Meetings

The purpose of the kick-off meeting is basically to gain alignment with your team on the vision of the project, who is involved and what the road-map is for how the project will be accomplished. Having a good project kick-off meeting satisfies the following needs:...

The Project Manager’s Quick Start Guide

You are smart and talented – attributes your boss notices when assigning you to lead the company’s next big project. It’s an exciting opportunity, but it also comes with high risk and visibility. You need to make sure everything goes well, but you don’t know where to...

At what point is a project most likely to experience a breakdown?

A question was asked, “At what point is a project most likely to experience a breakdown – and how do you as a project manager prevent that from happening?” It becomes quite clear that there is a problem when the customer refuses to pay at the end of...

Leadership and Environment: The Leader’s Role

Leaders are responsible for creating an environment where their employees can be successful. At a minimum, the environment has to provide clear expectations, ensure that the tools and resources are available and that the people see the results of their work.